Australian Ham Week
Australian Ham week is coming (10-17 November) with the official announcement of the winners of the best 100% Australian Hams to be announced at a breakfast in Sydney at Chur Burger, the funkiest dining experience of high profile chef Warren Turnbull.
Most importantly, these are the awards for the very best 100% Australian home grown hams….from Aussie pork farmers. Nearly $10 million worth of imported pork arrives in Australia every week destined exclusively for smallgoods manufacture. This equates to over two point seven million kilos of pork imports arriving by boat in Australia EVERY WEEK or the equivalent of about 52,000 pigs…75% of the smallgoods consumed in Australia is made from imported pork. NOTE: Fresh pork can only be Australian.
Ham made from Australian pork: is fresher, its is local, it comes from clean, disease free herds grown here in island Australia. Australian Pork Limited (APL) has introduced the PorkMark – a pink label with Australian Pork on it – that clearly shows when ham (or bacon) is made from Australian pork to make consumer selection easier. Current labeling in Australia is confusing and vague – eg, made in Australia doesn’t mean it is an Australian product.
Winners of the Australian PorkMark Ham Awards for Excellence will be announced at the breakfast in Sydney on Monday 11 November 2013.