White Candles
White Candles are beautifully designed, white concrete vessels, made from only the finest materials, available in two beautiful scents: ‘Pomegranate & French Vanilla’ and ‘Passionfruit & Citron’.
The bond between mother and child is a beautiful thing and every moment together should be cherished. It is however sometimes cut short.
White Candles was founded by Megan O’Donnell, in honour of her mother, Carol, who lost her fight against cancer in 2015. White Candles gives 50 per cent of profits donated towards media research into major illness to charities including: Australian Cancer Research Foundation, Heart Research Institute and Beyond Blue. Out of these, customers then have the choice to select what charity they would like to donate to.
White Candles provide the opportunity to brighten the day of their loved ones, and to help fund a better future for others. So spread the love this Mother’s Day, to those affected by major illness, one beautiful candle at a time.