Electric Riders Australia Collaborates with Mearth Technology
Participates in the Micro Mobility Conference And Expo 2022
The date is set for all those who believe in the cause, fighting for the legalization of personal mobility devices. Thousands of electric scooter riders, owners, retailers and individual empathizers will be attending the very first MicroMobility Conference and Expo this November at the Royal Randwick Racecourse in Sydney.
Electric Riders Australia, as a participating exhibitor to said conference, represents the interests of those who own, use electric scooters, electric skateboards, electric bicycles, electric unicycles or those with one wheels. Concerted voices have risen to the occasion in a unified crescendo to convey the urgency of the matter in question.
As a staunch advocate of said cause, Electric Riders joined hands with Mearth Technologies in this endeavor – both as exhibitors – in the very first MicroMobility Conference as an expression of support to the cause of fellow riders and private scooter owners which have long denied them.
There’s been long drawn out skirmish and rejections amid formal appeals to consider allowing electric scooters on thoroughfares. Even after the advantages and benefits of electric scooters have been painstakingly demonstrated, confirming it to be a safe alternative, a convenient mode of transport, with experienced responsible riders and private owners avowing accountability. It has nonetheless been met with delays, denials, bias and deafening silence by the concerned authorities in the government. As such, the micro mobility industry has suffered ostensibly.
Mearth Technology, for its part, acknowledges that the current state of rideables have been the subject of many contentions, misplaced mistrust, discrimination, sweeping and unverified hearsay impressions. Which is why the time is ripe to show a more hard-line support that would finally address the gravity of the issues misguidedly hurled at these inanimate, defenseless rideables that has thus adversely affected the riders’ undeniable right to choose, without having to suffer prejudice.
On the throes of the forthcoming conference and exposition, a surprising twist was revealed. There was optimistic news indicating that things are about to change. The National Transport Commission has recently released a report recommending a set of guidelines to be adopted into the Australian Road Rules. This is viewed as the precursor that will pave the way for the legalization of micro mobility devices.
The unanimous acceptance by all members of the Infrastructure and Transport National Cabinet Reform Committee will fast-track the long awaited approval.
Running in parallel to the two-day conference will be a vibrant expo to be held in the Kensington Room. About 2,000 square meters is allocated for exhibits where a lot of conference delegates, public and trade visitors are welcome to visit. Immediately downstairs from the conference along with outdoor exhibits on the lawns, there are at least three test riding circuits.
The two-day program features subject matter experts like – Alan Reid, Andy Salkeld, Christina Sorbello, Dan Barr, Fiona Campbell, Gordon Hughes, Henk Swarttouw, James Laing, Jon Lindley, Joshua Adams, Jules Flynn, Kathryn King, Kelly Andrews, Krystyna Weston, Kyle Bolto, Lee Roberts, Lena Huda, Liz Irvin, Lucy Saunders, Mark Ames, Maryna Pobudzei, Matthew Root, Max Wang, Megan Sharkey, Michael Schwartz, Michelle Prior, Mirza Hotic, Monica Olyslagers, Oliver Bruce, Penelope Bennett, Prof. David Levinson, Prof. Geoff Rose, Rob Stokes, Robbie Napper, Sam Johnson, Sam Kemp, Sara Stace, Shifani Sood, Stephen Coulter, Stephen Hodge, Thomas Treloar, Todd Nguyen, Tom Cooper.
It is important to note that one of the speakers, Mark Ames, discusses how some contested cities’ community resistance to change has served to derail active travel projects which is tantamount to getting fewer customers for Australia’s burgeoning micro mobility industry. He will also highlight how everyone has an important role to play, as he proposes a strategy for the micro mobility industry to further grow the PMD commerce and trade.
Other special topics of interest are: “Making it Right”; “Making it Happen”; “Designing and building better infrastructure”; “Changing mobility behavior and social attitudes”; “Making it There”; “Making in Pay”; “The coming transport and logistics revolution”; “How we’ll run the Micromobility’s economic engine.”
This unprecedented Micromobility Conference & Expo 2022 will undoubtedly empower, equip and encourage stakeholders, and everyone concerned to play a role in the coming micromobility revolution. Long live electric scooters and other micro mobile devices!