
Sydney Unleashed

Sydney's #1 Entertainment & Lifestyle Publication

Green Fairy Absinth

Green Fairy Absinth

Green Fairy is reintroducing original Czech Absinth to a new generation by invigorating the historic anise-flavoured spirit with a fresh twist for summer.

Australia’s number one absinth, Green Fairy brings innovative and easy ways for consumers to enjoy the mystic spirit by creating a collection of ‘simply perfect’ cocktails to be enjoyed this summer.

Perfect for any summer occasion, signature serve ‘Applesinth’ is a refreshing mix of Green Fairy, cloudy apple juice and lemonade garnished with a lemon wedge. The history and intrigue of absinth continues to play a prominent role in any absinth cocktail and this signature serve is the perfect mix of tradition and innovation.

Derived from botanicals including wormwood, absinth was originally used for medicinal purposes dating back to Ancient Egyptian times before it became associated with witchcraft.

With many absinth recipes destroyed during 15th century European witch hunts, the strong revival of the spirit wasn’t until the late 19th Century during the French Revolution. Absinth was adopted by the wealthy who survived the turbulent rise of the poor and was drunk by the French Foreign legion as a symbol of patriotism.

Throughout history many prominent creative figures were renowned absinth drinkers including Vincent Van Gogh, Oscar Wilde and Ernest Hemingway. Hemmingway’s passion led him to develop his own absinth cocktail ‘Death in the Afternoon’ and all of these creative thinkers firmly believed that absinth was responsible for allowing their imaginative brilliance to flourish and create artistic and literary masterpieces.

In 1915 absinth was banned across much of the world due to myths about hallucinogenic qualities. Green Fairy Absinth was the first legal absinth containing thujone available in Australia since the ban on absinth was lifted only recently.

A timeless beverage continued to be enjoyed the traditional way, from a glass fountain trickled over sugar cubes, it is time for a new generation to experience Green Fairy. The Applesinth cocktail is the perfect reintroduction to this mystical spirit.

Green Fairy Absinth is available in bars and bottle shops nationwide.

Green Fairy

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