Smart Cleanse
Do you constantly feel run down & tired?
Does your skin appear dull & flat?
Do you feel, tired, toxic and overweight?
Is your busy schedule creating poor habits?
Have you ever tried a detox program?
What is Smart Cleanse?
Unlike other detoxification programs, Smart Cleanse is great tasting, high quality, potent, contains certified organic ingredients and has been developed using a researched naturopathic and scientific foundation. This is what makes Smart Cleanse the unique and natural practitioner grade detox program it’s fast becoming renown for.
14 Day Smart Cleanse is in fact the ONLY Premium, Practitioner Grade, Straight-Out-Of-The-Box Detox and Weight Management Program available on the shelf in Australia.
How does it work?
In order to be successful, a sound detox program needs you to address your digestive system and support your gut first, before you cleanse your liver.
14 Day Smart Cleanse does all of this by following the naturopathic detox program philosophy – Weed, Seed and Feed. This vitally important process occurs over 14 days using a simple-to-follow program, containing everything you need straight out of the box, to safely and successfully detoxify, without disrupting your daily routine.
It uses only naturally derived materials, no synthetics so has very high bioavailability, maximum therapeutic doses, is the ONLY detox kit that combines a Detox Program with a Ketogenic (fat burning) Weight Loss Program meaning fast, safe and effective weight loss with no starvation.
This program allows you to eat from the allowable food list contained in the instruction manual inside the kit, comprised of delicious, organic, detox and weight loss recipes. If you don’t need to lose weight then it is advised to only follow the detox component and eat organic produce from all food groups, not just protein, vegetables and fruit (for weight loss).
The Ingredients.
Bentonite (Drinking Clay)
Bentonite Drinking Clay has been used throughout history by various cultures for not only its ability to bind to toxins, but also for its abundant mineral content. Bentonite binds five times its own volume of toxins and unwanted substances.
Bentonite Clay is also rich in Iron and Silica. Silica is a trace mineral that strengthens the body’s connective tissues – muscles, tendons, hair, ligaments, nails, cartilage, and bone – and is vital for healthy skin.
Colon Cleanse Formula Chia, Licorice Root & Aloe Vera (Formula)
When mixed with liquid, Chia acts as an intestinal broom, moving waste efficiently through the digestive tract, making it an excellent food for detoxification. Chia seeds are in fact a Superfood, are high in dietary fibre and contain more omega-3 fatty acids than flax seeds as well as high levels of protein, antioxidants, calcium, magnesium, zinc and other nutrients plus minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, potassium and iron. A single serving contains:
– 27+ vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, & amino acids
– 100% more omega-3 fatty acids than salmon
– Double the antioxidants found in blueberries
– 41% of your daily fibre, more than flax seed!
– 32% of your daily magnesium, more than broccoli!
Licorice root is another of our colon cleanse ingredients and has been used for centuries as an anti-inflammatory, laxative and to soothe inflamed mucous membranes, especially of the stomach and digestive tract. It actually softens, soothes, lubricates and nourishes the entire intestinal tract.
Aloe Vera gel has been used for a variety of medical ailments and claims have been made that it has anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting qualities. It is thought that Aloe Vera’s anti-inflammatory effect could help reduce symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).
Plant extracts are commonly used in the conventional symptomatic approach to manage constipation. The sap from Aloe Vera is known to have stimulant laxative properties. It is excellent colon cleanse ingredient for this reason.
Weeding Formula (Capsules)
Cloves have powerful anti-parasitic and antiseptic properties, and are a great spice to heal ailments of the digestive system. Traditionally it has been used for mild digestive complaints such as flatulence, abdominal bloating, slow digestion and nausea. It is the oil – Eugenol – that is derived from the cloves that is so powerful.
Black walnut has been used traditionally as an ant-parasitic (attacks parasites in the gut). It contains a chemical called Juglone, which inhibits certain insects, bacteria, and fungi in plants, and also in the black walnut tree itself.
Researchers have searched for a correlation with its use internally in humans. Black Walnut does indeed also kill parasites in humans, along with a wide range of worms, tapeworms, roundworms, parasites and their eggs. It does this by oxygenating the blood, which kills the parasites.
As a result of this it also supports the natural balance of healthy intestinal flora within the GI Tract.
Pomegranate has a long history of use in traditional medicines especially in Chinese medicines to rid intestinal worms. The extract of the flowers and rind have shown good inhibitory action against most parasites. Pomegranate is also a powerful anti-oxidant, protecting against cellular damage due to free radicals. Stress, alcohol, cigarettes and pollution may increase free radical production in the body, and the potential for oxidative damage.
STEP 2 & 3 – SEED & FEED
Gut Lining (Formula)
Spirulina is actually a blue-green microalgae that helped produce the oxygen in our atmosphere billions of years ago so that other life forms could appear. Spirulina is considered a Superfood, meaning it is incredibly rich in nutrients. It is also contains 60-70% protein, which is more protein than beef, chicken or soybeans.
Spirulina is very beneficial to the digestive system, balancing acid secretion by its alkalizing properties, contains antiseptic properties, is soothing, and relieves constipation. It also contains wound healing properties due to its vitamin A content.
Turmeric Root Power. Turmeric is an Indian spice derived from the roots of the plant and has a long history of use in both Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine as a treatment for inflammatory conditions.
The oil fraction of turmeric has demonstrated potent anti-inflammatory activity in a variety of experimental models. Turmeric is actually one of the best natural inhibitors of the inflammatory cascade. Turmeric also increases mucous production in the gastric wall that acts as a protective barrier, and maintains the health of intestinal cells.
Shiitake Mushroom Powder. Medicinal mushrooms have been used in China and Japan for over 3,000 years to boost immunity and fight diseases such as cancer. A number of compounds in fungi have been found to stimulate the function of the immune system, inhibit tumour growth, and boost intestinal flora. Mushroom substances called Terpenoids help kill bacteria and viruses and also exert anti-inflammatory effects, while complex chain-like sugars called polysaccharides, exert anti-tumour and immune stimulating properties.
Probiotics. A healthy digestive system contains approximately 400 types of probiotic bacteria that work to reduce the growth of harmful bacteria and yeast and help promote a healthy digestive system. Probiotics known as “friendly” or “good” bacteria, are live microorganisms, similar to the beneficial microorganisms naturally found in the human gut, that restore the body’s “friendly” bacteria, helping your immune system to fight off the growth of harmful bacteria, and wipe out “unfriendly” yeast.
Liver Tonic (Capsules)
St Mary’s Thistle seed is a proven liver protectant that also restores the liver’s ability to detoxify harmful substances. The liver-protecting and liver-repairing functions are due to two main actions: its antioxidant benefits and protein-restoring activities. The antioxidant activity of Silymarin, the active constituent, is ten times more powerful as an anti-oxidant than vitamin E.
Schisandra maintains healthy liver function by providing liver-protective activity against free radicals, via maintaining the liver’s antioxidant system. Schisandra also has adaptogenic capabilities meaning it has been shown in clinical trials to increase a person’s resistance to physical and emotional stress.
Trans-Resveratrol is a naturally occurring compound found in the roots of giant knotweed and also in blueberries, grapes (red wine), peanuts and in a total of 70 other plants, used as a protective device against bad weather, insects, bacteria and fungi.
Trans-Resveratrol is a strong anti-oxidant in humans and is known to have a protective effect against atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, postmenopausal problems, a broad spectrum of degenerative diseases, and much more.
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