
Sydney Unleashed

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Nova & The Experience Q&A

Nova & The Experience Q&A

After receiving the inaugural First Break Development award from Commercial Radio Australia and the Mushroom Group and then winning the “Be Discovered at Marble Bar” Competition, Sydney based indie pop favourites Nova & The Experience have just released their new EP, ‘Where We Go’. The result is some exciting new material that that encapsulates the fun-loving and playful vibe that the band is known for. The foursome are currently playing shows to support the release and will end the tour with a show at the Brighton Up Bar in Sydney on Saturday 30th August. We caught up with with James, the vocalist/guitarist from Nova & The Experience, in the lead up to what will no doubt be a sold-out event.

How did you get your start in the music industry?

It’s weird, until you asked that, I never really thought of me being ‘in the music industry’. I guess starting a band is the obvious answer. But Laurie (our drummer) works in the industry outside of the band, so he was also an ‘in’.

Best part of what you do?

Getting to play rad shows with my friends is sweet. Especially if there is free booze involved. We always try to have fun, whether we are playing for a packed room or three screaming hippies.

And the worst part?

When you have stayed up til 4am and then have to get up at 5am to make a flight in an hour, that you will now probably miss, and you lug 30kg of gear to the airport and then miss your flight. Those moments can suck. And they happen quite often when you are disorganized musos.

Any interesting experiences you can share?

Many! Once we played this gig in Cooma and before us was a heavy rock covers band and the room was jam-packed with big burly guys with tatts. We thought we were going to get up and play and get bashed. Next minute everyone loved us and they were all onstage while we were playing. We ended up at some party afterwords in zero degrees making daiquiris out of Zooper Dooper icy poles until 5am. Great times.

Favourite album of all time and why?

It’s hard to choose. But I’d have to go with The Wall – Pink Floyd. It’s just such a well thought out and executed album. So good!

Best live performance that you’ve ever seen?

Coldplay – every time I have seen them. Doesn’t matter what you think about them, they are so good live. I had a friend at Splendour with me who wanted to go see a big hip-hop act he liked instead of coming to the Coldplay stage, as he didn’t like Coldplay. By the end of the set, he had to hand it to them and said he was really glad he came.

Favourite venues to hang out in?

Baxsters and Tios and Frankies in Sydney.

Take us through a typical day in the life of Nova & The Experience.

Get up, wake the others up because they are slackers. Then grab the guitar and a six-pack and head to the park and make some sweet tunes outdoors with friends.

What advice would you give to someone looking at getting involved in the music industry?

Work hard. Nothing is ever going to be handed to you. Research a lot. Attack everything with passion. Don’t forget to stay young and have fun.

Any news or final comments?

We have a few exciting pieces of news. We’re just in the middle of an East Coast tour to promote the release of our new EP, Where We Go. We are playing a show at Rics on the Friday night of Big Sound. And a few other things I can’t mention yet. You will have to wait and see.

Danny Canak

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