Tatjana Alexis Profile
Danny Canak catches up with Tatjana Alexis (far right) – lead actress, writer and director of award-winning webseries, SYD2030.
How did you get your start in the entertainment industry?
When I was 16, my family moved back to Sydney after eight years in Singapore and I was finally allowed to get an agent. Not long after that, I landed my first print ad as the girl playing netball on the MILO tins – fortunately my luck has continued since … and I’m still the girl on the Milo tin!
Best part of what you do?
I get to do what I love, with the people I love. Mostly, I love that I get the opportunity to play all sorts of different characters and experience things that I would never otherwise be and do.
And the worst part?
Waiting. There is so much waiting that comes with the job! Waiting for an audition, waiting for the script, waiting to hear back… I’m an incredibly impatient person and all the waiting really gets on my goat sometimes!
Any interesting experiences you can share from the making of SYD2030?
The whole experience was very interesting as coming straight out of film school, we really did just dive head first into the deep end of things! I think the most interesting experience on set was when we were filming at a beautiful house in Dover Heights one night and the sound guy heard a faint whistle. We stopped everything and it turned out that a man had been sailing around the South Heads and had gotten stuck in the rocks at the bottom of the cliff. We did what we could, used all our lights to locate him, called for help. Soon there were helicopters and channel 7. Needless to say…our shot was ruined, but we saved a life!
Best live performance that you’ve ever seen?
Would have to be a production of ‘Death of a Salesman’ I saw with my Dad at the West End in London. However, in saying that, on the other side of the spectrum, I saw Dash Berlin perform last week at Olympic Park, which was incredible, he is a phenomenal DJ.
Favourite bars/clubs/pubs to hang out in?
I generally like to hang out at the Woollahra Hotel (especially the upstairs terrace area). It’s got great food, delicious cocktails and awesome DJ’s on the weekend. But if I were to go out dancing, I would have to say The Standard on Oxford Street. It plays old school RnB music all night on Saturdays, which is rare to find in Sydney!
Take us through a typical day in the life of Tatjana Alexis.
Wake up, yoga/pilates, study, lunch, rehearsals, admin for Cheese on Toast Productions, dinner, then curl up in bed with the electric blanket with 50 Shades of Grey (it’s the second time I’m reading it! I’m obsessed). Highly uneventful at the moment due to exams!
What are your plans for the rest of the year?
I plan to (fingers crossed) graduate from Law School, film the second season of SYD2030 for a summer release and begin planning my move to America next year! But you never know what might happen…
Any news or final comments?
If you haven’t already, check out SYD2030 at www.syd2030.com.au
© Danny Canak
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