As Tastes Broaden, Sydney’s Wine Scene Continues to Thrive
Australia is a hot bed for consistently world-class wine production, and big cities are finally starting to develop a scene to match. Sydney in particular has made headlines, with Yahoo making it a prominent feature of their travel guide with a big nod towards its wine scene. By picking up on the tastes of the wider public and marrying that with trends in city life, the city has a thriving wine culture worth talking about.
Appealing to taste
Despite being a huge producer of wine, Australia has sometimes struggled with communicating the appeal of the drink to citizens. However, research conducted by market consultancy firm Roy Morgan have now established that wine has supplanted beer as the most popular alcoholic beverage. The main reasons behind this are choice and broadened taste. Drinkers can now purchase white wines online from Qantas, or red and rosé from the likes of Dan Murphy’s. As a result, punters are enjoying a breadth and quality of wine not experienced before – and that’s influencing the city scene.
New opportunities
Meeting this demand has been an influx of new wine bars around the city. Broadsheet have highlighted Little Felix in the Ivy complex, and Surry Hills’ Poly, which offers new wines with wonderful frequency. Elsewhere, AU Review have noted the opening of LA-style high-life outfit Hyde, which promises to marry together a huge selection of wines with dancing and food. These bars, that combine well-thought out wine lists with food, are becoming some of the most exciting and popular in the city.
Food and wine to think about
With the influx of high quality wine worth savouring has come culinary experiences to match. are particularly enthusiastic about Totti’s Bondi and Totti’s CBD, which marry together true fine dining with the relaxed and refined wine drinking scene the city has developed. With more of these boutique-style restaurants cropping up around the city, expect to see the love of wine drinking developing in Sydney citizen’s palates to influence food, and as a result have more and more restaurants geared to this way of enjoying a night out.
Wine is made in plentiful quantity in Australia and has a reputation for great quality. Drank around the world, Aussie natives and Sydney locals are now taking to the country’s thriving wine culture in droves. With this widespread interest has come a swell of wonderful new bars that will continue to define the restaurant and nightlife scene for years to come.